We present a matrix model for the study of the population dynamics of brown trout Salmo trutta L., introduced in the '60s in the virgin aquatic ecosystems of the Kerguelen Islands. This species clearly acclimatized very well: a portion of the population became migratory and spent a part of its life cycle in the sea, which allowed the rapid colonization of two rivers close to the stream of origin in the same bay (Baie Norvégienne).These migratory trout can become a smolt at 2, 3, or 4 years of age. The model takes into account age and smolt age structures and in a first step considers the fish from the Baie Norvégienne as belonging to a single population. The transition matrix looks like a 32 × 32 Leslie matrix in which some survival rates are not on the subdiagonal. They represent survival after the first sea migration and are particularly important for the dynamics of the whole population.