A Kierkegaardian Understanding of Self and Society: An Existential Sociology
Dissertation, Western Michigan University (
In examining the history and development of existential sociology, it becomes clear that in its initial phases it was not intended to oppose traditional sociological research, but to complement it. I intend to show that the contemporary chasm between the methodologies can be narrowed with a reconsideration of their common roots in the work of G. H. Mead and the symbolic interactionists. Existential sociologists today offer a practical synthesis that combines that theoretical heritage with philosophic ontology dating back to the writings of Soren Kierkegaard. ;My conceptual goal is reveal how the existential philosophy of Kierkegaard, while not irrational or solipsistic, provides a more refined model for understanding the dialectic between society and the alienated self. Contrary to the standard conception, I propose that Kierkegaard was engaged directly in social theory. Moreover, his developmental stages of the individual can be effectually applied to society, with authentic individuality as requisite for a community with genuine equality. Those existential ideas may provide a theoretical setting conducive to the implementation of programs for social change