Modern Division of Philosophies
The primary topics that have been presented to philosophies for solving isthe reality of the quadruple relationships, which are the relationship of thehuman being and her/him Self, of the human being and God, of the humanbeing and the universe of existence and of the human being with otherhuman beings. Different sciences have assumed the responsibility of solvingthe manifestations and inherent laws of these relationships and have triedtheir utmost thus far. However, research and study on the nature, generalprinciples, main results and the factors of these relationships is theresponsibility of philosophies and is what they have been engaged with andhave been researching since time immemorial, both in the East and the West.Therefore, what should be considered is this: in relation to the foresaidrelationships, is the issue the subject for consideration for the thinker or not?For example, is time related to our senses or does it have an objective reality?Is this vast universe finite or infinite? What is the cause of movement inhistory? For if the issue is raised it requires an answer, whether yesterday ortoday; Eastern or Western; Muslim, Christian or Jew; be it Aristotle, Plato orSadr al-Muta'allehin , Mirdamad or William James and JohnDewey. Philosophies can be divided into four kinds which will be discussedin this paper, these are: ‘Temporal Division’, ‘Religious and IdeologicalDivision’, Regional Division, and ‘Based upon the Philosophical Characters’Way of Thinking’