The Methodological Limitations of Popper's Research program on "Open Society"
K. R. Popper, because of his standpoints on philosophy and methodology of science and also his attitudes on political thought, has gained a dignity in history of ideas of the twentieth century. Popper's significant contribution to philosophy of science is mainly concerned with the critique of "Inductionism" and defense of "Falsifiability "; and his significant contribution to political science is rooted in his defense of "Open Society". His emphasis is on "critical rationalism" in both methodology of science and political thought. Science and its method has been a great inspiration for his whole philosophy. But his perceptions on philosophy and methodology of science has been encountered some critics. If we accept that Popper's political philosophy has been created in his methodological frame work, then some of limitations of his methodology should be verified in order to reveal incompetences of his research program on "Open Society". This article claims that Popper's research program on his "Open Society" has been created in his methodological framework and suffers some defects and limitations. This article, with a critical view, illustrates some limitations of research program and dogmatisms of Popper's "Open Society". It seems that Popper's research program on "Open Society" is vulnerable when it is judged by "fundamental pluralism" criterion- the epistemological foundation of open society.