Схід 5 (145):85-89 (
The paper analyzes the problem of Trinitarian theology in the light of the communication paradigm and clarifying the outlines of a new ontology of personality that grows from the phenomenon of communication. The author of the article argues that communication event lays the foundation for a hypostatic being of the Divine Persons of the Trinity, providing its ontological unity. This dynamism of the divine hypostasis, implemented in their dialogue, shifts the focus from the fact who is the Divine Trinity, to the space "between", in which their conversation is heard. The relation of each Hypostases of the Trinity - their relativity lays the foundation of the divine ontological being. The beginning of the Communion becomes a meeting of a man with God, which is made possible thanks to the special disposition of the first to hear the appeal of the Second - that is through the openness. Relationship with God is a ground for dialogue with neighbors and the rest of creation. For personal progress must keep the most perfect specimen to which to aspire. It is tempting to think of the approach of the Creator through attachment to the community of the faithful, the mystical body of Christ, and thus leads to ecclesiology. Ecclesiology, in turn, is the basis for the doctrine of the Divine Trinity. Proper understanding of form and essence of communion with God Everlasting between Trinity incarnation sets a benchmark that a person must take a sample to communicate as others. So Christian theology insists on the importance of internal communication as an opportunity to experience God in himself. Instead, God instead throwing its nature, is to do the opposite: passing over in silence the depths of the Godhead and give Him reveal to us the true personality. However, just before, standing, meeting and dialogue between man and man by God and is a prerequisite of full disclosure of the human person, its constitution and approach the transcendent source.