Докса 2 (
The correspondence between the themes of identity and self-knowledge developed in Mozart’s operas with the inner intentions of the composer’s life way is demonstrated. It is emphasized that, on the one hand, Mozart re-melted the variety of forms of the collective in musical traditions into a unique one, connected with the realization of their life world, while imitating and perfect mastery of the rules of composition. On the other hand, despite the huge array of works written in various genres, it was the opera genre that was especially close to it with its play nature. In his opera works Mozart was fully aware of the wealth of his own individuality and was able to fuse it harmoniously with perceived stylistic elements of his epoch. The composer has achieved an amazing harmony between musical and poetic texts for the embodiment of his musical plan. Mozart used various expressive means - rhythm, tonal shades, etc. - to express the characters, experiences, passions and feelings of different characters. All of them in their diversity, the organic nature of the mutual influence of the instrumental and vocal components, the ironic removal of obsolete opera stamps create the effect of meeting with an extraordinary aesthetic integrity. The answer to the question of the nature of the human being is achieved in this integrity of diversity.