Kerala Estate, Kerala, India: St. Ephrem Ecumenical Research Institute (SEERI) Baker Hill, Kottayam 686001, Kerala, India (
Daco-Roman Christianity – Particularities and theological
The emergence of the historical-theological heritage of
Daco-Roman Christianity is mostly related to the North-
Danubian territories, namely the ancient imperial province of
Scythia Minor (or Lesser Scythia). Identified with present
Dobruja, on the left or western side of the Pontus Euxinus, this
space of cultural-religious interference has become over time
“of a great ecumenical interest.” The historical journey favoured
a rapid development of the Christian element, and the region
knew from early ages a thorough church organization, reinforced
by Diocletian and Licinius’ fierce persecutions. It is also known
the fact that “the Daco-Roman Christians, the ancestors of the
Romanians from nowadays, setting up the first Orthodox
Metropolitan of the Romanian Church around the year 500, have
unquestionably bestowed upon it their ecumenical evangelical
and patristic attitude; by spreading and flourishing the Body of
Christ in a province, it got integrated into the great ecumenical
area of the undivided Church in the first millennium.”62
The theological work of the Daco-Roman saints and fathers
on the territory of the Roman Empire thus, generated an
“ecumenical environment and background”, enriched by
influences, ideas, and confessional intercessions. In this respect,
we should mention “the correspondence between Saint Basil
(Letters 155, 164 and 165) and the illustrious governor of
Scythia, Iunius Soranus as well as with Bishop Bretanion of
Tomis concerning the sending of Saint Sava’s remains from
Gothia to Cappadocia”63, as well as other relations, interactions
and influences. There are, therefore, several great Daco-Roman
theologians, who succeeded in becoming famous even in the
Eternal City. Their activity and writings which remained as a
testimony in the Church treasury were taken into account by
the highest church authorities of those times, their written
theological, missionary and apologetical importance being
recognized up to the present days. Starting from this point, we
could speak about a true theological heritage preserved over
the centuries, playing a huge essential role in building up a
genuine spiritual and cultural tradition of the Romanian people.