Avicenna’s viewpoint on relationship of Imprinted Forms and the creation of Beings
One of the most important concerns of Avicenna in theology was systematic explanation of knowledge of Almighty Necessary. He wants to provide a theory for explanation of the omniscience of Almighty Necessary, which is unchangeable and comprehensive, without harming His simplicity. In order to achieve this goal, Avicenna introduced the theory of “Imprinted Forms”. Avicenna held that these Forms are essential properties of the Essences and causes of beings and raising from the Necessary’s intellectual thought, He also held that the knowledge of Almighty Necessary to the creatures come from knowledge to these Forms. It is clear that the underlying ground of this view is the causal relationship between the Forms and objective beings. Although there is clearly this relationship in either Avicenna’s works,and his commentaries, but, this point has been completely neglected in the phase of the creation of multiplicity of creatures. Avicenna didn’t say anything about the role and participation of these Forms in emanation of the First Intellect and the other Intellects and heavenly Spheres. Conversely he held that the First intellect immediately created from the Almighty Necessary. He also thought that the Intellects and heavenly Spheres emanated from each other, and not from Imprinted Forms. We show, in this Article, that there is inconsistency between these two explanations.