Nature's Psychogenic Forces: Localized Quantum Consciousness
It has been suggested that the quantum fluctuations of the microworld may constitute or be caused by an elementary consciousness in nature that could be the source of brain-mind consciousness as well. This essay explores the possibility that the espoused quantum consciousness, when the identity "localized quantum fluctuations" ? "conscious force classically manifested" is assumed, extends upward into the macroscopic world of classical physics via the "classical approximation" of the Ehrenfest theorem. Newton's laws of motion then define localized forces of consciousness that are psychogenic rather than mechanistic, which are immanent, intentional, and self-directed. In this quantum-inspired, idealist reinterpretation of classical physics, gravitational, electrical and other fields in space-time are information supplied rather than force applied, to which matter's psychogenic forces purposefully and lawfully respond. Consciousness and change are then an identity, whether the change is quantum or classical in character. The calculus of Newton and Leibniz in this quantum idealism is of and by conscious beings, rather than blind mechanisms. When consciousness is thus understood, our being is a more ordered form of matter ensouled by psychogenic forces explained by more refined systems of physics