Докса 1 (
The article analyzes the actual state of poetical discourse. States of creative consciousness in the conditions of a crisis of postmodern ideology are showed on the example of art association «Siberian Road» and its member D. Lipatov. Manifestations of real state of society and human consciousness as a subject of poetic attention are showed. The poet describes the modern picture of the world, which gets now the characteristics of minor importance and inadequacy, and realizing the tragedy of the situation, he looks for the powers of internal resistance, which manifests itself as an ironic component of his creative work. In fact, the irony is the result of active and efficient surveillance, it acts as a tool of resistance to total pop-art and post-modern philosophy of life and becomes the ability to control the consciousness in the world which loses his identity and where the life is based on ready-made formulas. The irony is considered as the final moment of the critical mental actions, and its effective strength is conscious impulse to the search of the possible future way. It is concluded that a possible solution of the internal fracture of consciousness is the understanding of life as a transcendent state of existence, and himself in this world as an object of ironic contemplation. The irony isconsidered as an axiological tool of literary practice.