Enthusiasm, a project launched in 2002 by the artists Neil Cummings and Marysia Lewandowska, inventories hundreds of films created by amateur filmmakers in Poland from the 1960s to the late 1980s. On the basis of this previously unavailable film archive, the two artists have elaborated a network or stratification of narratives – concerning a certain mode of collective film production and distribution, a visualization of socialism as lived from within, and a transmission of historical-political enthusiasm. This essay attempts to highlight the link – palpable in the exhibitions of the project both in Europe and America – between such an enthusiasm and a conception of cinema as a historical vestige in a process of perpetual becoming, from the Russian avant-garde of the 1920s all the way to certain recent artistic productions by Lewandowska/Cummings as well as Pierre Huyghe or Douglas Gordon, via the filmic works of Jean-Luc Godard and Chris Marker