The polytheism of philosophy
For the anthropomorphic polytheism myth, the Greek philosophers generally take dialectical critical attitude. As for religion as a universal fact of human society, from a religious point of origin of polytheism proposed theoretical explanation, then straight until the Age of Enlightenment empiricist David Hume. In polytheistic religions, the deities or natural phenomena, or the apotheosis of great men of history, nature and human in their own specially. From the point of view, polytheism on the one hand expressed a belief that the old man: the mundane with the sacred elements in the other hand, reflects the human search for life beyond the world of satisfactory answers to various questions of the natural tendency, but it uses rational approach is not rigorous review by the open door. Greek philosophers, in general, dialectically criticize anthropomorphic myth or polytheism. The first philosopher treating religion as a common phenomenon in human societies and explaining theoretically polytheism from the angle of religious origin is D. Hume, and empiricist in the Enlightenment. According to polytheistic religions, deities, deified natural phenomena and great figures in history play their own specialized roles in nature or on earth. Seeing from this point, we can say polytheism, on the one hand, signifies and old human belief: heavenliness interfuses earthliness; on the other hand, it reflects human natural inclination to ask the transcendent for satisfactory replies to existential questions, only that this convenient approach is not yet strictly examined by reason.