The Hospice Ethics of Jen and Love-Without-Distinction
Mohist of "universal love" performance in real-effectiveness as positive, while Confucian "benevolence" is the expression In order to enrich the meaning of life. A temporary end to the patient speaking, life seems to be not positive as possible? And enrich the meaning of life, how could that be? And a successful or fortunate Fook life, not because of the short length of time, but that qualification process to enrich the life and heart of祥and flexible to achieve both peace and quiet death. This enterprise want from the Confucian "benevolence" of the real life of plenty, in Mohist "universal love" of the reality of specific acts of a real-effectiveness, absorbed in hospice care nursing in full all temporary end of the patient's needs and the flexibility of祥and makes the patient to hospice return to, achievement of clinical care for the final goal of life and death of the two peace and quiet. The Love-Without-Distinction of the Mohist is behaved real benefits that are public interests on positive actions, and the Jen of Confucianism transmits the richness of the connotation of life. It looks as if positive actions are possible for a dying patient. Then, how possible is the richness of the connotation of life? Nevertheless, a satisfactory or happy life does not lie on the length of life short or long, but on the abundance of the course of life to achieve the peace with life-and-death. In this paper, the writer intends to satisfy the needs and the auspiciousness of spirit of dying patients through the brimming of true life of the Jen of Confucianism with reference to the real benefits of the Love-Without-Distinction of the Mohist that produced in practical actions to be absorbed in hospice care. Therefore, the dying patients will be able to die with peace to achieve the goal of hospice care of the peace with life-and-death