Abstract: In the present work we have made a critical review of the philosophical propo
sal of Norwood R. Hanson with the aim of exposing the limits of its theoretical approach on
the problem of interpretation in science. The first part of this work exposes the hansonian
project, looking for evidence of his contributions to the philosophy of science and scientific
thinking. In the following two sections we present a critique to his philosophical proposal.
We present two exercises of philosophical reflection that constitute two complementary
moments of analysis. On one hand, at the level of methodological analysis, we present
a discussion about how the “reversible perspective figures” that have been used for the
author as arguments to explain his philosophical proposal, are insufficient to the descrip
tion of the process of observation and interpretation. On the other hand, at the theoretical
level, we question his notion of language and categories to show that his theoretical pro
posed “vision-interpretation” has based on epistemological and analytic notions. From this
perspective, it will be shown that the “hermeneutical-interpretative” approach of Hanson
is incomplete, since it does not develop towards an ontology of language and observation.