A SLOW revolution in cognitive science is banishing this century's technological conception of mind as disembodied pure thought, namely a material symbol manipulation, and replacing it with next century's conception: mind as the organisation of bodily interaction, intelligent robotics. Here is Clark: Intelligence and understanding are rooted not in the presence and manipulation of explicit, language-like data structures, but in something more earthy: the tuning of basic responses to a real world that enables an embodied organism to sense, act and survive . . . it is now increasingly clear that the alternative to the ``disembodied explicit data manipulation'' vision of AI is not to retreat from hard science; it is to pursue some even harder science. It is to put intelligence where it belongs: in the coupling of organisms and the world that is at the root of daily, fluent action. (p. 4) # AAHPSSS, 1998. Published by Blackwell Publishers, 108 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 1JF, and 350 Main Street, Malden MA 02148, USA..