In order to be able to express all possible patterns of dependence and independence between variables, we have to replace the traditional first-order logic by independence-friendly (IF) logic. Our natural concept of truth for a quantificational sentence S says that all the Skolem functions for S exist. This conception of truth for a sufficiently rich IF first-order language can be expressed in the same language. In a first-order axiomatic set theory, one can apparently express this same concept in set-theoretical terms, since the existence of functions can be expressed there. Because of Tarski's theorem, this is impossible. Hence there must exist set-theoretical statements, even provable ones, which are said to be true in first-order models of axiomatic set theory but whose Skolem functions do not all exist. Hence there are provable sentences in axiomatic set theory that are false in accordance with our ordinary conceptions of set-theoretical truth. Such counter-intuitive propositions have been known to exist, but they have been blamed on the peculiarities of very large sets. It is argued here that this explanation is not correct and that there are intuitively false theorems not involving very large sets. Hence the provability or unprovability of a set-theoretical statement, e.g. of the continuum hypothesis (CH) in axiomatic set theory is not necessarily relevant to the truth of CH