The brain has been described as the organ of thought. In the 18th century, Pierre Cabanis notoriously claimed that “The brain secretes thought as the liver secretes bile.” For some reason, the 19th century materialist Karl Vogt believed the point needed to be made even more emphatically so he declared: “The brain secretes thought as the stomach secretes gastric juice, the liver bile, and the kidneys urine.” Countless neuroscientists make claims like the mind is the brain, or the mind is the functioning brain, or the mind arises from the functioning brain. Fairly typical is a quote like the following: “Even though it is common knowledge, it never ceases to amaze me that all the richness of our mental life – all our feelings, our emotions, our thoughts, our ambitions, our love lives, our religious sentiments and even what each of us regards as his or her own intimate private self – is simply the activities of these little specks of jelly in our heads, in our brains.There is nothing else.” (Ramachandram - A Brief Tour of Human Consciousness..