An attempt is made to clarify the meaning of bodily exercises and the role of the passions on bodily movements from the viewpoint of René Descartes, as an educator. In the field of Cartesian philosophy, some attempts are being made to identify Descartes as an educator, however, there is little on bodily movements and exercises. However, his remarks on them seem to offer some beneficial suggestions to a philosophy of sport. So it is useful to examine his understandings of exercises, bodily movements and the passions in the context of education and health. It’s possible to identify Descartes as an educator. From his The Passions of the Soul, he indicates us the goal of education, to achieve Generosity. And we may reach to it through a good “upbringing”. Besides, Descartes points out that it is good for our health to do exercises, which makes us aware of our “perfection of the body” and could lead us to the pleasure of the soul which constitutes happiness. In addition, the passions are important incentives to our bodily movements. In conclusion, he was already conscious of the role of the passions on bodily movements and the meanings of exercises.