We are trying to show the importance of the event patterns and their presence in the wondrous Shuaibi story as a traditional structural form that has its place and manifestations in the literary narrative. It is also considered a suggestive and indicative product of the writer’s imagination, which uses the everyday variable and formulates it in a way different from what it is to show us an interesting miraculous story. Folk tales in general, and the book "Folk Tales" specifically, play a significant role in preserving popular heritage. These tales are transmitted through a chain of narrators or from one storyteller to a group of narrators. Each narrator has their language and method of conveying the story without strict adherence to the original, aiming to reconstruct it according to the situation based on the prominent elements of the tale highlighted by that situation or element. The tale may serve purposes such as entertainment, moral teaching, wisdom, putting children to sleep, or news, or it may involve a miraculous dimension built on the extraordinary and unreal.