After reading the careful, thoughtful, carefully circumscribed scholarship that characterizes the study of argumentation, I can’t help but think that the study of visual argument might be, at least some of the time, a MacGuffin. That label comes from Alfred Hitchcock and now is enshrined in the lore of cinematic composition: the MacGuffin is a device whose presence motivates dramatic action yet proves to be “nothing” , whether trivial or unknowable or nonexistent. In like manner, the visual image has provided the occasion for renewed exploration of what had been thought to be familiar terrain, and often to resolve the mystery on behalf of the assurance of a known world regained.If one were to protest that many disciplines have their MacGuffins, I would agree. Hans Blumenberg has had the audacity to suggest that in the philosophy of being, Being itself is the MacGuffin . He then pushes the point: it is crucial to the enterprise that the object of inqu ..