Rereading and Accounting for Sadra’s Philosophy according to Kant
In Persian philosophy of Sadr al-Din Shirazi also known as Sadr al-Muta'allihin ,notions such as man, heaven, earth and the like, each of which possessing aparticular individuation and being conceived of through mind, are appliedonly in the sphere of phenomena, and applying them out of this sphere onthings-in-themselves is not permitted unless accidentally andvirtually. According to him, such notions are applied on their referents onlybecaus e of their senses; and for them it is not possible to ascend from onesense to the other. But the notion of existence, which is a product of somesort of pure a priori intuition may not be considered as beingphenomenal. For, if we consider it as being phenomenal, no more can wethink of it as thing-in-itself, and inform of its being or non-being.In other words, if we consider a sense for the phenomenal existence otherthan that of non-phenomenal one, we have to confess that things exist out ofour minds but not in the sense that we understand for existence in our minds