Nasal and Upper Lip Reconstruction of a Case of Squamous Cell Carcinoma Nose Stage IV—A Case Report
MPS 4:58-65 (
We report a case of 77 years old male patient who presented to our hospital with bleeding from a fungating mass of the nose. Investigations revealed the lesion to be moderately differentiated basaloid type squamous cell carcinoma, with lung, liver and spleen metastasis. Oncologists started palliative chemotherapy for the patient. Excision of the tumour required removal of most of the nose including the lateral nasal cartilages and the nasal septum. Nasal reconstruction was done by using left nasolabial flap after deepithelialising 3 parts of it and covering that flap with a forehead flap. Residual tumour of the upper lip required further excision later on and coverage with a fan flap. The patient survived about 6 months after the surgery in a good appearance and was accepted and approached well by his family. We think that this type of reconstruction is suitable for late stages cancer nose considering the life expectancy of this category of patients.EWW141009DXN