The Earth, which is a planet of the Solar system, was formed and evolved as part of the WHOLE, in close connection with the evolution of the Universe. The awareness, knowledge, and understanding of our coexistence with the Universe may clarify a series of obscure problems of our existence, and, at the same time, may bring solutions for other acute problems which our modern society has to face, such as energy, nature preservation, the origin, evolution and adaptation of the living and especially of man to the environment, etc.. This paper is trying to theoretically break up the concept of “environment” into four fundamental contexts: terrestrial, lunar, solar-planetary, and cosmic context. We intend to approach the four contexts that distinctly and simultaneously influence life on the Earth using the interface theory which we developed in Informational Anthropology, Integronics and Biocosmological Anthropology. We consider that the living adapted and developed in a differentiated way according to the impact of these contexts. They may be the source for the four causalities Aristotle intuited, as well as the cause of many still unknown phenomena that diversified man’s evolution and variability.