Book reviewed in this article:Christ and the Spirit. Spirit Christology in Trinitarian Perspective by Ralph Del ColleWinds of the Spirit: A Constructive Christian Theology, Peter C. HodsonThe Eucharist Makes the Church: Henri de Lubac and John Zizioulas in Dialogue by Paul McPartlanChanging the Subject: Women's Discourses and Feminist Theology by Mary McClintock FulkersonPlurality and Christian Ethics, by Ian S. MarkhamThe Fall to Violence: Original Sin in Relational Theology by Marjorie Hewitt SuchockiReligion and Revelation: A Theology of Revelation in the World's Religions by Keith WardPower & Chrristian Ethics by James P. MackeyMystical Languages of Unsaying by Michael A. SellsNarratives of a Vulnerable God: Christ, Theology, and Scripture by William C. Placher.