This book is both an intellectual biography and a thematic analysis of Martin Heidegger's "youthful writings" from 1910 to the appearance of Sein und Zeit in 1927. It is nearly contemporaneous with the publication in the first Heidegger Gesamtausgabe of the texts of the lecture courses he gave during his first period at the University of Freiburg and while he taught at the University of Marburg, courses which figure prominently in the book. Van Buren's analysis covers early articles Heidegger wrote for the Catholic journal Der Akademiker, his doctoral dissertation, "Die Lehre vom Urteil im Psychologismus", the dissertation that qualified him to teach at the university level, "Die Kategorien-und [[sic]] Bedeutungslehre des Duns Scotus", book reviews, public lectures, and his first lecture courses, several of which have been reconstructed from students' transcripts by the editors of the Gesamtausgabe. Many of the early lecture courses are currently being translated into English. The Habilitationsschrift was translated as a doctoral dissertation in 1978 but is not readily available. As a result, The Young Heidegger will serve many as a temporary substitute for reading the original texts.