Značenje Dosega U Odnosu Meðu Pojmovima
U članku se dokazuje da odnosi među pojmovima u bitnome ovise otome u dosegu kojeg se pojma promatraju. Pa tako pojmovi koji su koordinirani promatraju li se s obzirom na doseg pojma »jezik« postaju disparatni promatraju li se s obzirom na doseg pojma »indoeuropski jezik«. Jednako vrijedi i za druge odnose među pojmovima koji se mijenjaju s promjenom pojma s obzirom na čiji se doseg misle.This article proves that the relations between concepts significantly depend upon the range of the concept that they are considered within. Thus, coordinated concepts, if considered with respect to the range of the concept ‘language’, become disparate. The same holds for all the other relations between concepts which change with the change of the concept in respect of the range of which they are reflected on