The Tic-Tac-Toe theory is a qualitative, phenomenological theory that automatically explains many of the features of the universe that we see, such as dark matter and dark energy. In that sense it is a Copernican theory that gives an alternate approach, which immediately and intuitively explains phenomena,independently of any detailed dynamics, for which the explanations in accepted standard theories are usually somewhat ad-hoc.The basic concept is to take the possibility of negative masses seriously, and generalize this to counter the unconvincing treatment of negative masses by the equivalence principle. Surprisingly, this automatically solves all sorts of other problems at the same time. Since the theory comes without a detailed dynamics, one can hardly expect people to embrace it with open arms, but it is presented to help convince students that there are many plausible new ideas available to them, and they should not let themselves be intimidated into believing that we are close to understanding nature