Highland Books (
Legacy of Truth is an introduction to parent-directed classical education. The next new thing in education, it is the latest rage at academic conferences, curriculum fairs, and professional conventions. In reality, though, it is anything but new. It is simply the age-old foundation upon which the Western academic tradition has been built, an approach that prepared students for a joyous lifetime journey of learning.Classical education is a conscious return to the academic disciplines and methodologies that emphasize the basic thinking and character skills necessary to launch young men and women on a path of learning. While it requires hard work, it is not a system of education for intellectuals only. It is an approach that takes seriously the need of all -- men and women, boys and girls -- to be grounded in the good, the great, and the true.Similarly, mentoring is an integral aspect of Christendom's great legacy of truth. Recognizing that all true education is the undertaking of mental and spiritual discipleship in which one person invests in and mentors another, covenantal learning is centered in responsible tutorial and familial relationships. It reinforces the authority and the responsibility of parents to educate their children, and it focuses on the reality that education is not an outcome but the happy result of discipline, commitment, and rigorous workWith the failure of most modern approaches to education evident to all but the most hardened bureaucrat, the serious academic rigor, tutorial discipline, and family involvement of the past are once again in vogue in education. For many, the Christian vision of classical and covenantal education has been revived, and TheLegacy Truth is an introduction for parents and children on the joyous lifetime journey of learning.