The Early Confucian culture of Culivating Life
This the first time in the academic community and the health of the early Confucian culture, summed up the contents of it to support two major heart and self-cultivation. Confucius's "moderate", "no complaints" and "three ring" as the three principles of Yang Xin; to physical health care, food and clothing care, health care for the cultivation of the three conditions. On this basis, further elaborated the early Confucian health culture of Taoism and physicians academic impact, said: "Confucius health ideas constitute Zhuangzi health Theoretical source of", Confucian health of the overall concept of dialectical concepts , the dominant concepts of the "Canon of yellow broom," the basic framework of health theory to correct the idea that people talk about the social value of Confucianism, the value of human life do not speak misconceptions. This is the first time I have discussed the early Confucian culture of cultivating life in academic circles. The contents of this philosophy can be separated into two parts: "the cultivation of the mind" and "the cultivation of the body". Confucius' notions of "the golden mean", "no regrets" and "three abstentions" are the three principles in cultivating the mind. The three requirements for cultivating the body were "maintaining health", "maintaining attire and diet" and "maintaining medical treatment" . The early Confucian culture of cultivating life had a direct influence on pre-Qin Daoism and medical philosophy. I would venture to say that the Confucian philosophy of cultivating life was the main source of Zhuang Zi's philosophy of cultivating life. Confucius' philosophy of cultivating life, including its dialectic and direction, gave form th the same philosophy in the . From this analysis, we can hope correct the misconception that early Confucianism was only concerned with social values and not with individual values