The present research shows the main results obtained in a study, the first to the author’s knowledge, regarding students’ knowledge and perspectives concerning infringements of Human Rights due to political reasons in the Basque Country. A sample of almost 1000 students (18-29 years) recruited from the Social Science and Education Degree of three different universities (EHU/UPV, Deusto and Mondragon Unibertsitatea) took part in the study by completing a self-report questionnaire. Findings indicate that the interest of the participants on this topic is especially remarkable. However, students also show an unsatisfied feeling regarding the information they have received about the topic. In addition, students present a lack of awareness about specific facts that go hand in hand with human dignity and rejection of violence. _Received_: 30 June 2017 _Accepted_: 20 September 2017 _Published online_: 31 January 2018.