The present work consists, in summary, to analyze the Kantian conceptions about the epistemology and, more precisely, of the constitution of the thesis on the criticism and, not less important, of the formulation of the conceptual structure "transcendental apperception", that is, of the ―I think‖ in philosophy. Front to the problems of the modern philosophy, to relate the criticism in Kant to the coming of the German idealism requests to bring to the surface one of the main philosophers, so much of the idealism in itself, but a successor, par excellence, of the neokantians, to know: Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762 -1814). Therefore, for this approach tends the transformation of the philosophy the Kant under the reading of Fichte concerning the reformulation of the concept of the "transcendental apperception, in other words, of the me leaning, for the formulation of the ― "pure I" in Fichte.