Aspects of the Physician’s Relationship to Patient’s Autonomy
I will deal with the physician – patient relationship with the focus on the patient’s autonomy in my article. The core of the whole relationship are basic principles and values of common sense morality, such as respect, reverence, tolerance, justice, responsibility, dignity and the humanity of this relationship. If the physician disposes of these values, he will gain confidence in his/her patients and it’s just the positive attitude toward their mutual relationship if they trust each other and have a long-term relationship. In spite of a physician’s knowledge of, skill in, responsibility for all the treatment, the physician’s abilities to provide diagnosis and prognosis in order to provide treatment possibilities and explain its impacts and influence, are secondary to the patient’s right to decide independently based on his/her free will, whether he/she will undergo the treatment recommended by the physician. The physician should not be influenced by any other external effects and factors and should perform his/her job following the values and the principles defined in the Hippocratic Oath.