The reality of sin and the need for grace: A survey of a perennial question
Gleeson, Brian Let me introduce this topic by referring to wise words of Monica Hellwig about the human situation, before delving into the light and inspiration given in the pre-historical Genesis accounts of the sinfulness of human beings, their inclination to evil, and their need for divine deliverance, and especially in its third chapter. Says Hellwig: The reason that grace is absolutely necessary for a good life and for the salvation of each human person is clear. The world in which we live is not one that helps everyone to lead a good life. The world is quite seriously disrupted with wars, class struggles, crimes of violence, crimes of fraud and deceit, racial injustices, and a pervading distrust. Many people in our world feel unwanted and unnoticed, perhaps even rejected by the society that gave them their existence. There are times for even the most fortunate among us when we feel that our whole being is set at cross purposes with the universe