We continue the work of Blok and Jónsson by developing the theory of structural closure operators and introducing the notion of a representation between them. Similarities and equivalences of Blok-Jónsson turn out to be bijective representations and bijective structural representations, respectively. We obtain a characterization for representations induced by a transformer. In order to obtain a similar characterization for structural representations we introduce the notions of a graduation and a graded variable of an M-set. We show that several deductive systems, Gentzen systems among them, are graded M-sets having graded variables, and describe the graded variables in each case. In the last section we show that, for a sentential logic, having an algebraic semantics is equivalent to being representable in an equational consequence. This motivates the extension of the notion of having an algebraic semantics for Gentzen systems, hypersequents systems, etc. We prove that if a closure operator is representable by a transformer, then every extension of it is also representable by the same transformer. As a consequence we obtain that if one of these systems has an algebraic semantics, then so does any of its extensions with the same defining equations.