Speculum 62 (4):829-850 (
Just prior to his last fight, Beowulf delivers a long speech on the headlands above the dragon's cave . It is, with the exception of his report to Hygelac on returning from Heorot, Beowulf's longest and perhaps his most puzzling speech. Little has been written about the speech as a whole; in fact, rather little attention has been paid to any of Beowulf's speeches, which is perhaps not surprising given Beowulf's stated preference for deeds over words. “It is better for a man to avenge his friend than to mourn much,” Beowulf tells Hrothgar, and indeed in a heroic narrative we might ordinarily expect actions to take precedence over words. So it dismays those who would judge the poem primarily as a heroic narrative to find, as Klaeber did, that despite the hero's initial appearance as “an aggressive war hero of the Achilles or Sigfrit type,” Beowulf is in fact “somewhat tame, sentimental, and fond of talking,” and nowhere more so than in this speech