Music, which is composed of sound, rhythm and harmony components, is an important phenomenon that exists in every phase of human life, that gives meaning and color to life. Music, as in the past, is not only used as a means of entertainment or leisure, but is also an important tool used in the treatment and education of people. Especially in the education of pre-school children, it is necessary to benefit more from music due to the characteristics of the age range of children. In this study, it has been examined how much musical elements are included in the instruction books of the Directorate of Religious Affairs 4-6 Years old Qur'an Courses operating within the scope of pre-school religious education, and in this sense, how much music is used as an educational tool in the education given to children. The aim of the study is to draw attention to the importance of music in the education of preschool children, who acquire a lot of information through games and entertainment, and to emphasize the need for more use of music. This research, which evaluates the suitability of existing songs and lyrics for pre-school children by determining whether musical elements are used at a sufficient level in the 4-6 years old Qur'an courses teaching books, is a qualitative research in which data collection methods such as document analysis are used. As a result, it has been seen that musical elements are not included enough in the instruction books of the Qur'an Courses for 4-6 years old.