Browning’s and Serembe’s love poems will be analyzed in this research paper in order to illustrate how they reflected their efforts to present the idea of love in their poetry. In the ‘By the Fire-Side’, one of the major poems of Robert Browning during the thesaurus of the British Victorian period and Zef Serembe’s ‘Song for Longing’, considered by many to rank among the best love poems of Rilindja (Renaissance) poets in the nineteenth century Albania. The two poets, do not consider the idea of love in the abstract term. They include love by referring to the specific details, Browning, to his love relationship with a famous poetess Elizabeth Barrett, their elopement and union in Italy, and Serembe to his love for a girl from his native village, who immigrated to Brazil and subsequently died. In these poems, both poets explore the intimate atmosphere they tried to establish for their beloved women, by describing the places that witnessed the birth and growth of their love. ‘By the Fire-Side’ and ‘Song for Longing’ comprise a common element; they are personal love poems that describe their ideal love, personal feelings, and passion of their love. While Robert Browning in his poem writes about a peaceful and satisfied married life, full of sweet memories and images of his wife, Zef Serembe’s poem is a picture of his sentiment, primarily of solitude and disillusionment. The comparative and descriptive research methods have been helpful while conducting this research paper.