La paternité divine: révélation et engagement
The mystery of divine Fatherhood is first of all a mystery of eternal Fatherhood. As God, the Father is absolute being; as Father, he is relational being for he exists as Father only through his relationship to the Son and also in a relationship to the Holy Spirit. It is important to show how this relatedness combines with the absolute character of the divine being. It is even more important to show how the divine fatherhood is involved in the mystery of the incarnation. The transcendent Fatherhood has become virginal Fatherhood and redemptive Fatherhood. The involvement of the Father in redemption raises many problems and has often been misunderstood. It can only be given its true meaning by showing in the drama of the passion the generosity of the Father who gives his Son and with him sacrifices his fatherly love for the salvation of humankind