The following response by Hutto and Myin to Colombo’s original paper, “Explaining social norm compliance. A plea for neural representations,” contains some inaccurate quotations attributed to Colombo. These inaccuracies are not the fault of the authors, but are due to editorial mistakes and to problems involved in publishing electronic versions online first. Hutto and Myin worked from and were quoting from an earlier draft of Colombo’s paper (dated 2012), which is different from the revised version that was first published online in January 2013. Because the inaccuracies were discovered only after Hutto and Myin’s response was published online, corrections were not possible. Also, the fact that page numbers are assigned only when hard copy publication occurs, and do not appear in the Online First publication made it impossible for Hutto and Myin, or for Colombo in his response, to provide pagination for quotations. The editors take responsibility and apologize to the authors for failin