Resnica in metoda. Začetek prabesedila Truth and Method. The Coming About of the Original Text
Ni le potreba po logični samorazjasnitvi tista, ki duhoslovne znanosti povezuje s filozofijo. Gre predvsem za to, da ti. duhoslovne znanosti same predstavljajo problem za filozofijo: kar je bilo povedano in kar se da povedati o njihovi logični, spoznavnoteoretski utemeljitvi in o razlogih za njihovo znanstveno samostojnost v razmerju do naravoslovnih znanosti, daleč zaostaja za tem, kar duhoslovne znanosti so in kar pomenijo filozofiji.The need for logical self-explication is not the only thing that relates human sciences to philosophy. The primary reason for it is that the so-called human sciences themselves represent an issue for philosophy: what has been and can be said about their logical, epistemological foundation and about the reasons for their scientific independence in relation to natural sciences is lagging behind what human sciences are and mean to philosophy.