Husserl and the Programme of a Wissenschaftslehre in the Logical Investigations
My working hypothesis is based on the
project of a theory of science (Wissenschaftslehre) at the
very beginning of the Prolegomena and it consists in conceiving this theory of
science as the program which insures their cohesion to the whole of the
Investigations in this work. In order to test this hypothesis, I will first
examine the different steps which led to the project of a theory of science in
the pre-phenomenological period. I will secondly expound the guidelines of
the theory of science, insisting in particular on its relation to pure logic. In the
third section, I will attempt to define the function of the theory of knowledge
and of phenomenology in such a programme. I will conclude with some
remarks on the fate of this theory of science after the Logical Investigations.
Most of Husserl’s allusions to the theory of science, be it in his lecture notes,
the manuscripts that were written after 1901 or other works published during
Husserl’s lifetime, seem to suggest that the theory of science kept on
assuming the very role it was playing in Husserl’s seminal work: the theory of
science provides its basis to Husserl’s philosophical agenda.