The article is focused on the problem of understanding another person. First of all, the author considers understanding on the basis of external signs. In this case, two groups of features are distinguished in the appearance of a person — constitutive, or static, and expressive, or dynamic. The author introduces the concept of a snapshot image of a person. Then the understanding of the other through his speech is investigated. At the same time, all utterances are divided into selfdisclosing and subject-oriented ones. The author substantiates position of the leading role of intonation in revealing the inner world. The identity of its role in creating the interlocutor’s speech image and the role of external expressive features in creating the visual image is revealed. On the basis of this, the author introduces the concept of bodily intonation. Then the understanding of the other through his or her actions is considered and the concept of intonation of an action is introduced. Finally, the author introduces the concept of intonation face as a unified image of the other person arising in our consciousness as a result of the superposition of separate momentary images. The notion of sensitivity structure is also introduced. It is emphasized that the intonation face is not an “objective” but a dialogical phenomenon, representing the result of interaction between the sensitivity structure of the perceived person (manifested in his/her appearance, speech, and actions) and the sensitivity structure of the perceiver.