Схід 3 (149):108-112 (
The article is dedicated to the analysis of the phenomenon of environmental classics. It is shown that humanities play a growing role in formation of ecological consciousness of the population, supplementing natural sciences knowledge on the way of raising public environmental awareness and development of integrated system of environmental education. It is manifested in the forms, first, of more active appeal of those who are responsible for environmental education to humanities; second, of direct concern to artists and writers by environmental problems and aspiration to contribute in their solving by available means. The phenomenon of formation of environmental classics is considered with the reference to the book "Silent Spring". It is shown its public and educational significance. Ecological literature and ecological classics attract more and more attention of researchers as a material for expanding the theoretical basis of environmental protection, sustainable development, eco-education and education for sustainable development, and for solving practical tasks in the areas of nature conservation, saving attitude to natural resources And eco-education. The canoners of literature on nature, or environmental literature, are advocates of the rights of nature and human rights to a clean and safe environment, academic and educational communities, who use the criteria of the social significance of the text, its influence on the worldview and the attitude of the reader, but not totalitarian authority or leader. Rachel Carson, an example of the analysis of the "Silent Spring" phenomenon, has proved that the ecological classics are determined by the important meanings that it carries to the reader.