Taking its starting point from one of the harshest criticisms of metaphysics and from a series of objections that call into question the presence of a ratio essentiae in God, this study aims to deepen our understanding, and to bring out the precise meaning, of the Thomasian thesis, which holds that it is impossible for the created intellect to know what God is. The nub of Thomas’ magnificent way of proceeding is to be found in the way he goes beyond the mere predication of efficient causality, by way of the metaphysical notion of participation, to make this possible and solid. The resolutio of the ens in its being implies the resolutio of all the perfections in the being and, in this way, beyond the need to ascend to the ipsum esse subsistens, grounds at the same time the effective affirmation of a ‘positive apophatism’, not so much due to the inadequacy of the effects, so much and above all due to the absolute emergence of the ipsum esse subsistens, omnibus modis indeterminatum. Hence, we come to know with certainty that the divine essence is being itself, although we cannot come to know what an ipsum esse subsistens is as such.