The Dreaming Earth: Foundations for a Process-Oriented Approach to Ecopsychology
Dissertation, The Union Institute (
This work lays some of the philosophical ground for a process oriented approach to ecopsychology. Ecopsychology has been defined as "the emerging synthesis of the psychological and the ecological." The author argues that this calls for new paradigms in psychology and in our whole way of thinking, and that one such new paradigm is found in the process-oriented psychology which has been developed by Arnold Mindell. ;The author reviews the various approaches to ecopsychology and how these are related to different approaches to psychology as well as to environmental philosophy, particularly to deep ecology, ecofeminism and social ecology. Attention is paid to the concept of the "ecological self"--an approach based on a "widening of identification." He shows how this concept can be given clarification through process-oriented psychology, a theory which gives central place to looking at what is being identified with as well as what is being excluded from awareness and identification, both in individuals, in groups and in whole cultures. He also examines how some of the themes of ecofeminism, social ecology and the environmental justice movement can also be approached through process-oriented theory and methods. ;The author also examines the problem of the Cartesian split between mind and world and how new paradigms in science as well as process-oriented psychology may help to resolve this problem in a less dualistic way. He also examines the ecological role of shamanism and ways that this can develop further in the postmodern age with a process-oriented approach. He concludes with further reflections on the notion of the ecological self, how some traditional western and eastern psychologies have approached the concepts of "self," "identity" and "identification" as well as how process-oriented psychology can help resolve various difficulties around these concepts. A final section briefly reviews various practical applications of this approach, both with individuals, groups and organizations