Granì 18 (3):113-117 (
Forming of the ukrainian modern identity took a place during colonial position of Ukraine. The ukrainian soul in these terms of the Russian colonialism became the article of the special attention of Taras Shevchenko. Taras Shevchenko’s Creation took root genetically and mentally in ukrainian national tradition. The ukrainian prophet Taras Shevchenko «programed» the ukrainian soul for love, mercy, sympathy, solidarity. For Taras Shevchenko concepts soul and love represent the altruism type of ukrainian consciousness. Altruistic love is love to the mother, to Ukraine, to the people, to God; lovesympathy, love. Semantics of the soul is acquired by the special value in poetic reserve of Mr. Shevchenko.It appears as deeply internal essence of the ukrainian man which has individual originality and propensity to worry and empathy. Mr. Shevchenko’s soul is a difficult concept, that depends on a context, is changed in the whole spectrum of values. Immortality and comicalness of the soul is underlined, because the soul is alive; the special weight in the context of Mr. Shevchenko’s attitude is acquired connections Godsoulgood, heartsoulfetters The soul of the ukrainian man, which presents altruism or egoism at individual level, gives a sign of split, acts as the drama place of existential choice. In Mr. Shevchenko’s works motif of loneliness is opposed to such motifs as unity, friendliness, friendship. The word «soul» extends and deepens the symbolic value of altruism, specifies him: soullove, soulsuffering, soulmercy, soulsympathy. In poems and stories Mr. Shevchenko’s altruistic displays have appearance of kobzaplayer.