Recent work at the intersection of physics and philosophy of time suggests that time’s absence from theories of quantum gravity (QG) entails that reality is fundamentally atemporal and that time is emergent. I consider two potential ways that time might be emergent: in a robust, dualist sense and in a systemic, physical sense. I examine what each of these possibilities would entail for substantivalist and relationist views of time. I also examine what is meant by ‘fundamental’ when it is said that time’s absence from QG makes reality ‘fundamentally’ atemporal. I argue that there are four senses of ‘fundamental’ at play and although time’s absence from QG precludes it from being fundamental in all four senses, time may still be fundamental in two important ways. A consequence of this clarification of senses of ‘emergence’ and ‘fundamentality’ is that time may be both emergent and fundamental (in some sense). In particular, I propose that time is part of an emergent structure that is foundational for things with macro-level existence.