Metaphysics is coming back into favour again. Notably via a number of publications on Blondel. The aim of this article is to draw attention to the metaphysics-ontology in Aristotle, its “aporias” in his work as well as its reappearance and outcome in the work of Saint Thomas, through the affirmation of the act of being and of the analogy between the creature and the Creator that it makes possible. Creatures receive being , despite it being a divine prerogative, and gain from it by sharing in the divine absoluteness: Far from corresponding to some totalitarian design, this metaphysics honours the greatness of creatures, particularly that of man, endowcd with his own being or with a wealth that delivers him from the anguish of need. Was it possible, after the culminating point attained by Saint Thomas, to further improve on this metaphysics, exposed moreover to all the criticisms of modernity and even more so of post-modernity? That is what Blondel achieves, in our view, notably in his “second work” . It gives a better account of the responsibility of the free creature and of his divine becoming, according to the suggestions of modern philosophy, while giving better access than Saint Thomas to essence, the area where this divine becoming takes place