This paper studies the traditional target classification and recognition algorithm based on Histogram of Oriented Gradients feature extraction and Support Vector Machine classification and applies this algorithm to distributed artificial intelligence image recognition. Due to the huge number of images, the general detection speed cannot meet the requirements. We have improved the HOG feature extraction algorithm. Using principal component analysis to perform dimensionality reduction operations on HOG features and doing distributed artificial intelligence image recognition experiments, the results show that the image detection efficiency is slightly improved, and the detection speed is also improved. This article analyzes the reason for these changes because PCA mainly uses the useful feature information in HOG features. The parallelization processing of HOG features on graphics processing unit is studied. GPU is used for high parallel and high-density calculations, and the calculation of HOG features is very complicated. Using GPU for parallelization of HOG features can make the calculation speed of HOG features improved. We use image experiments for the parallelized HOG feature algorithm. Experimental simulations show that the speed of distributed artificial intelligence image recognition is greatly improved. By analyzing the existing digital image recognition methods, an improved BP neural network algorithm is proposed. Under the premise of ensuring accuracy, the recognition speed of digital images is accelerated, the time required for recognition is reduced, real-time performance is guaranteed, and the effectiveness of the algorithm is verified.