What is Disinformation?
Prototypical instances of disinformation include deceptive advertising
(in business and in politics), government propaganda, doctored
photographs, forged documents, fake maps, internet frauds, fake
websites, and manipulated Wikipedia entries. Disinformation can
cause significant harm if people are misled by it. In order to address
this critical threat to information quality, we first need to understand
exactly what disinformation is. This paper surveys the various analyses
of this concept that have been proposed by information scientists
and philosophers (most notably, Luciano Floridi). It argues that
these analyses are either too broad (that is, that they include things
that are not disinformation), or too narrow (they exclude things
that are disinformation), or both. Indeed, several of these analyses
exclude important forms of disinformation, such as true disinformation,
visual disinformation, side-effect disinformation, and adaptive
disinformation. After considering the shortcomings of these analyses,
the paper argues that disinformation is misleading information that
has the function of misleading. Finally, in addition to responding to
Floridi’s claim that such a precise analysis of disinformation is not
necessary, it briefly discusses how this analysis can help us develop
techniques for detecting disinformation and policies for deterring
its spread.